Gov’t Amends Academic Calendar to Accommodate Ramadan School Holiday

Photo: MV+
The Education Ministry has announced adjustments to the academic calendar for the upcoming year, ensuring that the school holiday coincides with the month of Ramadan.
According to the latest academic calendar released by the ministry, the new academic year is scheduled to commence on May 26, with classes concluding in March. This arrangement sets the school holiday period from March 9 to April 6.
Term breaks have also been outlined in the calendar, with the first term break slated to begin on September 26. Subsequently, the second term is scheduled to commence on October 6, concluding on April 6.
Teachers, however, are required to resume duties earlier than students, returning to work on April 3.
The adjustment in the academic calendar takes into consideration the timing of Ramadan next year, which is set to commence on March 1.
The decision to align the school holiday with Ramadan marks a departure from previous adjustments made by the former administration. The previous administration had shifted the start of the academic year to mid-year, citing December as the peak tourism season.
However, this change posed challenges for parents working in resorts who found it difficult to spend the holidays with their children. In a reversal of this decision, the incumbent administration has opted to revert to the original scheduling.