Housing Ministry Announces Pricing for ‘Gedhoruveriya’ Flats

MV+ News Desk | November 16, 2023
Photo: The President’s Office

Ministry of National Planning, Housing & Infrastructure has disclosed the monthly rental rates for flats under the ‘Gedhoruveriya’ scheme, with three-room flats priced at MVR 8,000 and two-room flats at MVR 6,000, inclusive of a maintenance fee of MVR 1,000. 

The rent will be applicable after a three-month grace period from the flat handover date, spanning a total of 300 months.

In conjunction with the rental announcement yesterday, the Housing Ministry released the final list of flat recipients following the evaluation of received complaints. The permanent list of recipients for the 4,000 units currently under construction by the Fahi Dhiriulhun Corporation (FDC) was disclosed on November 4th.

According to the Housing Ministry, recipients of three-bedroom flats on the list had all scored above 76 marks, while recipients of two-bedroom flats had scored above 73 marks. The allocation of flats to each recipient will be determined through a draw. In cases where married couples are both recipients, they will jointly own one flat or individually own one each.

The initial release of the permanent flat list triggered protests at the Housing Ministry, with demonstrators alleging an unfair assessment process. Complaints included claims of shorter-term Male’ residents scoring higher points and accusations of preferential treatment for some members of the ruling party and their families.

Responding to the allegations, the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) has ordered a temporary halt to flat issuance pending an investigation into the complaints.
