MFDA Publicises Medicine Policy for the Next Five Years

MV+ News Desk | February 12, 2024
Photo: MV+

The Maldives Food and Drug Authority (MFDA) has unveiled its Medicine Policy for the years 2024-2030, with the goal of achieving universal access to essential medicines of good quality, at a price the individual and the community can afford.

Outlined within the policy are several key objectives:


Equitable Access: The MFDA seeks to maintain an evidence-based selection of essential medicines and health technologies, ensuring fair distribution in the public sector and reimbursement through national health insurance. This approach aims to provide quality healthcare while optimising resource utilisation.

Quality Assurance: Emphasising the efficacy, quality, and safety of medical products, the MFDA commits to robust regulation, inspection, and enforcement procedures aligned with international standards, given the limitations of a small-island state.

Financial Accessibility: The policy strives for universal access to essential medicines without financial burden at the point of care. This is to be achieved through continued government funding via the national health insurance scheme, Aasandha, with mechanisms in place for partial patient co-payment where necessary.

Affordability Measures: Full utilisation of available strategies to control and reduce medicine prices is prioritised, including participation in international procurement mechanisms and promotion of generic names in medicine use.

Supply and Distribution: Ensuring uninterrupted and cost-effective supply of essential medicines to all public health facilities is a key focus. Collaboration among relevant authorities is highlighted to streamline medicine coding and distribution processes.

Quality Use of Medicines: Scientifically sound and cost-effective prescribing practices are advocated through the development of evidence-based treatment guidelines and regular monitoring of prescription data.

Overall, the Medicine Policy reflects the Maldives’ commitment to enhancing healthcare accessibility and quality, despite the challenges posed by its geographical constraints.
