Minister: EPA to Remain Within Government Oversight, No Autonomy Expected

MV+ News Desk | May 23, 2024
Photo: President’s Office

On Thursday, Environment Minister Thoriq Ibrahim stated that the government has no plans to grant legal autonomy to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). This declaration comes after the Supreme Court overturned a High Court injunction on 15 March, which had halted reclamation work at K. Gulhifalhu for housing development. In his ruling, Justice Husnu Al Suood underscored the necessity for the government to ensure the EPA operates with legal and financial independence.

During a press conference at the President’s Office, Minister Thoriq addressed inquiries on the subject and confirmed the government’s position. “We, so far, have no plans to grant legal autonomy to EPA,” he confirmed. Nonetheless, the minister assured that the government supports the EPA in other ways. “Nevertheless, even at present, we are providing EPA with human resources, equipment, and other items necessary to carry out EPA’s crucial responsibilities to ensure they work as independently as possible,” he explained.


It’s important to note that former president Ibrahim Mohamed Solih had promised to grant the EPA legal autonomy during his election campaign. This pledge remained unfulfilled by the end of his term.

Justice Suood, in his ruling, highlighted the challenges Maldivian courts face in environmental cases due to a need for more local scientific research. He emphasized the importance of conducting and implementing a “National Strategic Environmental Assessment” to adhere to Article 22 of the Maldives Constitution.

Minister Thoriq disclosed that the government is working on this assessment, which will be conducted in specific regions across the Maldives. Justice Suood also noted that the law requires comprehensive research to inform national policies, assess the environmental impacts of development projects, monitor post-project ecosystem changes, and publish related findings. “To achieve this, the EPA needs financial strength and resources, as well as legal enforcement to operate autonomously,” Justice Suood stated.

The EPA, established by a presidential directive in 2008, currently functions under the Environment Ministry. The debate over its autonomy highlights the tension between governmental control and the Maldives’ need for independent environmental oversight.
