Minister Ihusaan Condemns Israeli Attacks at Global Security Forum

MV+ News Desk | May 23, 2024

Minister of Homeland Security and Technology Ali Ihusaan delivered a passionate speech yesterday at the Global Security Forum in Qatar, condemning the aggressive attacks by Israel on Gaza and asserting that these actions threaten the peace and security of the entire world.

“On behalf of all Maldivian people, I call on Israel to immediately stop the attacks on Palestinians. And I call on Israelis to find their rightful land to settle elsewhere. The international community must not allow Israel to occupy Palestinian land,” Minister Ihusaan declared.


Minister Ihusaan highlighted the Maldives’ susceptibility to security threats throughout his address despite its picturesque environment. He underscored the devastating impact terrorism and cybercrime could have on the island nation, echoing the urgent need for collective action and international cooperation.

Minister Ihusaan emphasised the profound impact of Israeli attacks on Palestine, stating, “The Israeli attacks on Palestine affect the hearts of every Maldivian citizen.”

Describing Israel’s actions as contrary to humanity, Minister Ihusaan asserted that these attacks hinder efforts to establish global peace and stability. Emphasising the indispensability of international partnerships in maintaining peace and stability, Minister Ihusaan stressed the interconnectedness of nations in combating common challenges. He underscored the importance of collaboration and collective efforts in addressing pressing security concerns.

The 2024 Global Security Forum was scheduled from May 20-22 in Doha, Qatar. Themed “Strategic Competition: The Complexity of Interdependence,” this year’s conference aimed to tackle contemporary global security challenges amidst strategic competition, covering various topics including supply chain management, the amplifying effect of climate change on security, energy security, vital technologies like high-end semiconductors, food insecurity, and the phenomenon of hostage-taking by both state and non-state actors, among other pertinent issues.
