MP Latheef Uncertain About Integrity of Service of Ministers Towards Muizzu

Photo: Parliament
Parliamentarian of the ruling party, People’s National Congress (PNC) Abdul Latheef Hassan said they are not certain some government ministers are working with integrity in their service to the President.
Ruling PNC lawmaker Abdul Latheef Mohamed has said that it is not certain that some ministers in the government are working with respect to the President.
Speaking at an out-of-session parliament session, Dhidhoo MP Latheef said that the ministers are committed to serving the people and upholding the president’s policy, but in recent times some ministers have not been answering to the people and lawmakers. Latheef, however, warned that parliament has the power to remove the ministers just as they are approved by the parliament.
“We have to call our ministers on a number of issues related to the work being done for the Maldivian citizens, to expedite the processes. Whether it is in rural development work or health, education, social, sports, we need to reach out to our ministers several times. The issue of these ministers not picking up their phones is a big issue. The problem of not being able to do things is also a big problem,” Latheef said while speaking at a debate on the report submitted by the Committee examining the performance of the government’s duties, President Dr. Mohamed Muizzu sent the case to the Parliament for approval of the four ministers.
Latheef said that many ministers follow this approach, especially from ministers who are “close” to the president. He, however, said it was wrong to think that they could remain in office just because they are close to the president, adding that parliament have sacked such ministers in the past as well..
“It’s a mistake to think that I can survive when I am too close to the president,” Latheef said.
Speaking on the issue, Maldives Democratic Party’s (MDP) Kendhoo MP Mauroof Zakir said that this is happening because of the recent amendment to the constitution that would deprive him of his seat in parliament if he is expelled from the party. He said both MDP and him was against the amendment and was still in the protest.
“Our brother, the MP from Dhiddhoo constituency, pointed out that the ministers did not take the phones of the members of parliament. It’s because we, our own power, has been suppressed,” said Maurouf.