Hassan Imam, the Humanitarian

MV Plus | August 3, 2021

Hassan Imam, a 37 year old Bangladeshi has made his way up the ladder through hard work and perseverance. He started his career as an office assistant and is currently a Senior Sales Executive. Hassan Imam came to the Maldives 15 years ago looking for an opportunity that could change his situation. He said his first plan was to go to Bahrain looking for work but was convinced by his cousin to change his destination to the Maldives, describing the vast opportunities for migrants here.

He first came to know of Maldivian Red Crescent during the pandemic through the Bangladesh High Commission looking for people to help, which led him to join MRC. He says that he enjoys and is happy to help. He went on to describe Maldivians as kind and supportive people and he stated that compared to other countries, the Maldives has more freedom and is accepting of its migrant brothers and sisters. He used to visit his family every year until the COVID-19 situation and is waiting eagerly to visit his family.

~ In partnership with Mission for Migrant Workers #migrantworkersofmaldives
