Jazlaan, the Barista

MV Plus | August 9, 2021

Mohamed Jazlaan Saleem, 23 years old, says making coffee is a form of art, and that it takes special skills to brew a good cup of coffee. Jazlaan believes that it’s important to know different types of coffee blends, coffee beans roasting and to operate an espresso machine.

Jazlaan says that he’s always loved the smell of coffee and is very much interested in the hospitality industry which brought him here. He also added that it takes time and practice to become a good barista, and although it might seem hard at first, it gets easier every day.

Being a barista comes with its fair share of criticism and misconceptions. Jazlaan says that many people think being a barista is a mere hobby and often ask him what else he does. Jazlaan works at a reputable coffee place, and he says that coffee is an industry with many tiers, and people often forget about this thinking it’s simply a time filler until we get an “real” job.

He says that it would be a dream come true to open his own restaurant/café which employs people who has the same passion towards this industry as he does and to pass the knowledge he’s acquired.

