Male’ City Council Assures the Old Banyan Trees Will Not be Chopped Off

MV+ News Desk | December 26, 2022

Male’ City Council has assured that the old banyan tree adjacent to Ameenee Magu will not be chopped off.

An official from the Council told MV+ that while the tree has now been trimmed, it will definitely not be chopped off. 

Concern rose among the public, especially among environmentalists, after the Council tweeted last Saturday that the tree will be “cut according to guidelines.”

The Council also tweeted that this is because of public complaints.

When asked about those complaints, the official said they were receiving complaints regarding bats, bat faeces and branches falling on pedestrians as well as school children. 

The photos you see in this post are from after the banyan tree was trimmed. 

Male’ City Council has gotten criticism in the past for its reckless attitude towards the environment, especially in their endeavours to chop off trees in the already congested capital city. 

Banyan trees are massive and have the capacity to live for 500 years. Do you believe the banyan tree should have been trimmed, cut off, or left as it is?
