MMC Speaks Out Against Attempts to Undermine Journalists

Photo: The Democrats
Maldives Media Council urges individuals and organizations to halt baseless accusations undermining journalists’ trust, following the media conference hosted by the Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM) and The Democrats.
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— Maldives Media Council (@mmc_mv) July 3, 2023
Expressing concern over the issue, the Media Regulatory Council released a statement highlighting the growing number of complaints it has received regarding attempts to discredit journalists and spread unfounded allegations against them on various platforms.
Such actions, according to the Council, pose a significant obstacle to media freedom and further erode the overall level of press freedom.
While freedom of expression and freedom of the press are fundamental rights protected by the Constitution of the Maldives, the MMC emphasized that unsubstantiated accusations against individual journalists and efforts to undermine the credibility of reliable media professionals are detrimental to the entire press community.
Consequently, the MMC has called on all parties involved to refrain from making baseless statements about journalists, as well as insulting and accusing them without evidence.
During the media conference, journalists questioned the potential cooperation between the PPM/PNC and The Democrats. However, the response provided was evasive, with the spokesperson becoming visibly agitated and accusing the journalists of bribery.
The MMC also took the opportunity to remind journalists to fulfill their responsibilities in accordance with laws, regulations, and the ethical standards and norms of the media.