MTCC Signs with Planning Ministry to Build Swimming Areas Sh. Atoll

Photo: MTCC
The Maldives Transport and Contracting Company (MTCC) has signed an agreement with the Ministry of National Planning, Housing and Infrastructure to design and build swimming areas in three islands: Sh. Feevah, Sh. Feydhoo, and Sh. Foakaidhoo. The project includes the construction of swimming areas, breakwaters, and groynes on each island.
Sh. Feevah will have a 2,500sqm swimming area, a 97m low crest breakwater, and 50m groynes. Sh. Feydhoo will feature a 1,620sqm swimming area, a 62m low crest breakwater, and 50m groynes. Sh. Foakaidhoo will include a 2,100sqm swimming area, a 101.56m low crest breakwater, and 40m groynes.
The completion of these swimming areas in Sh. Feevah, Sh. Feydhoo, and Sh. Foakaidhoo will provide residents and tourists with enjoyable and safe swimming experiences, contributing to the overall appeal of the islands.