Political Turmoil Ensues as Maldivian Parliament Struggles to Address No-Confidence Motions

The crucial meeting concerning the dismissal of Vice-Speaker Eva could not be convened in the absence of Speaker Mohammed Nasheed, causing further disruptions in the Maldivian Parliament.
The House of Representatives made an official announcement stating that the scheduled session would not commence as planned, as Speaker Nasheed was unable to attend the session.
Secretary General Fathimath Niusha highlighted Rule 205(b) of the Rules of Procedure, which stipulates that the Speaker of Parliament must preside over the session in the event of the Vice-Speaker’s removal from office. Unfortunately, Nasheed did not attend the session, leaving the proceedings in a state of limbo.
According to parliamentary protocols, when a motion of no confidence against the Speaker or Vice-Speaker is on the agenda, no further business can be conducted until a decision is made regarding the motion. This procedural hurdle has contributed to the current stalemate.
The parliament finds itself in a state of deadlock, lasting for over two weeks, as it has failed to establish its standing committees. The composition of these committees had to be reconfigured after 13 lawmakers, who were aligned with Vice-Speaker Eva, defected from the party.
Although a motion, signed by 50 lawmakers, was filed to remove Eva and a 14-day notice period had expired, the matter could not be listed for discussion and defense on that day. The delay arose due to the inability of the general committee to convene and establish the appropriate time for debate and defense, as explained by Secretary General Fathimath Niusha.
However, despite the initial decision to delay the proceedings, repeated requests from MDP, which holds a majority in parliament, led to Eva’s case being included on the agenda for the meeting.
The political climate in the Maldivian Parliament remains tense as lawmakers grapple with these no-confidence motions and the subsequent consequences they entail. The country eagerly awaits the resolution of these issues in order to restore normalcy and facilitate the smooth functioning of its democratic institutions.